Alongside her design work, thanks to her educational background, Gioia Capolei has directed the Jewelery Design department of the IED in Rome for 4 years, where she still teaches the basic and advanced production techniques.
She has always favored contact with her students, as it stimulates confrontation and innovation.
Alongside her design work, thanks to her educational background, Gioia Capolei has directed the Jewelery Design department of the IED in Rome for 4 years, where she still teaches the basic and advanced production techniques.
She has always favored contact with her students, as it stimulates confrontation and innovation.
Alongside her design work, thanks to her educational background, Gioia Capolei has directed the Jewelery Design department of the IED in Rome for 4 years, where she still teaches the basic and advanced production techniques.
She has always favored contact with her students, as it stimulates confrontation and innovation.
The Officine di Talenti Preziosi (OTP) Association, founded by Marina Valli, operates in Rome through training, research, and collaborations with designers, artisans, and other professionals of the field.
Since 2016, when Gioia Capolei became the Vice President Designer of OTP, the association found a new focus, to improve its mission promoting the jewelery and accessory culture through Exclusive Events over the Roman and Italian territory.
All works © Gioia Capolei 2019
Do not reproduce without the written consent.
All works © Gioia Capolei 2019
Do not reproduce without the written consent.